Friday, July 29, 2011

RC Kenton County Annual Dinner

The Kenton County Rotary Club held their dinner on Thursday 6/23 at fellow Rotarian Steve Gongola's home. It was a great evening with many awards and recognitions.  Past President Cathy Carleson was awarded the PHF the club won at District Conference for her outstanding year as club president 2010-2011. PDG Robert Ryan presented the PHF to Cathy.

Rotarian Jeff Simpson was awarded a PHF from the club presented by Stan Wall for his great work on the annual Golf tournament in which the club netted over $11,000 for club projects. 

Past President Matt Grimes was awarded the Cliff Docherman award presented by Stan and Debbie Wall from the International Fellowship of Scouting Rotarians for his contribution to both Rotary and Boy Scouts of America

Past President Cathy Carleson received the Presidential Citation for the club from PDG Robert Ryan. 

PDG Robert Ryan installed the officers for the 2011-2012 Rotary Year. Left to right: Phyllis Stamper, Treasurer, Stan Wall, President Nominee, Debbie Wall, President Elect, Gary Harman, Sergeant at Arms, Cathy Carleson, Past President, Robert Ryan, PDG, David Kruger, President, Jana Martin Kemp, Secretary

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