On Thursday, July 7, John Adams was installed as the new Governor for Rotary District 6740. The installation ceremony was held at the home of John and Debby Patton in Somerset. Rotarians from all over District 6740 came together for an evening of fellowship and fun. The efforts of PDG Robert Ryan and his wife, Patty, were celebrated. In addition, RC Somerset-Pulaski County inducted two members, recognized its Past President, Pamela Jensen-Stanley and installed President Lisa Mullins. RC Somerset recognized its Past President, Elaine Wilson and installed President Wendell Lyon. Thank you our wonderful hosts, the Pattons, the Daltons and the Wilfords, and to all the Rotarians who traveled to attend such a special evening!
PDG Robert Ryan installs John Adams as District Governor
PDG Robert Ryan presents John with the DG banner.
Congratulations Robert and John!
Please "read more" to see more photos!

Dean Hammond, aide to PDG Robert Ryan, recognizes Robert's efforts during his governor year.

DG John Adams presents DG Elect, Kathryn Hardman from RC London, with her DGE pin. To her left, DG Nominee, Jack McAllister from RC Lexington, looks on before receiving his DG Nominee pin from Kathryn.

Fun and fellowship in the District! Rotarians enjoy the evening as DG John Adams makes his remarks.

DG John Adams installs Wendell Lyon as President of RC Somerset.

President Wendell Lyon recognizes Elaine Wilson, Past President of RC Somerset

President Wendell Lyon presents George Corder, RC Somerset, with his President Elect pin

DG John Adams installs Lisa Mullins as President of RC Somerset-Pulaski County, the Governor's home club

President Lisa Mullins thanks Pamela Jensen-Stanley, Past President of RC Somerset-Pulaski County

Lisa Mullins presents Ben Robertson, RC Somerset-Pulaski County, with his President Elect pin

DG John Adams inducts new members, Jeremy Reynolds and Doug Wilford, into RC Somerset-Pulaski County. Also pictured are their sponsors, Lisa Mullins and John Patton.

Rotarians enjoy the evening and take the opportunity to show appreciation to Robert and Patty Ryan for a wonderful Rotary year!

DG John Adams presents PDG Robert Ryan with his PDG pin and thanks him for his leadership for District 6740!
A fun night was enjoyed by all! |

Members from the Rotary Club of Whitesburg attended the ceremony. Pictured from Left to Right: Treasurer Barbara Ison, President Margaret Hammonds, District Governor John Adams, Rotarian Bessie Shepherd and Secretary Debra Lucas.
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