Friday, July 29, 2011

RC Ashland's Repair Affair

On a hot summer day in June, several Ashland Rotarians could be found painting, mowing, pressure-washing and weed-eating. Ordinarily, that’s not a big deal, since most of us spend our weekends doing these chores. However, these people were volunteering their time to do these chores for others who cannot. This is the kind of thing that epitomizes the Rotary philosophy; Service Above Self. 

For the past several years Ashland Rotarians have participated in Repair Affair, a program that helps local home owners make repairs and improvements to their home at no cost to them. The home owners are selected based on need.  Rotarians bring their own tools, lawn mowers and pressure washers and the club pays for any paint that is required.

The club members meet at 7am at Central Park to pick up their team t-shirts, a cup of coffee and maybe a donut or two. Then they divide and conquer. With teams of 5-7 people they arrive at their assigned home to begin sprucing, cleaning and repairing.
There is plenty of hard work involved, but you wouldn’t know it based on the laughter and smiles from the team members. The Ashland Rotarians play hard and work hard and sometimes don’t know the difference. They participate in the program because they truly believe and live the Rotary motto.

The Four-Way Test of all things Rotarians think, say or do asks; Is it the TRUTH? Is it Fair to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Repair Affair answers all of those with a resounding – YES!

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