Friday, August 30, 2013

Rotary Reflections from the District Governor

District 6740 Governor’s Newsletter , August, 2013 No. 2

Rotary Reflections – August, 2013

What is the difference between a service club and a civic club? Which one is Rotary? Those questions were posed to me recently. How would you have answered these questions? Obviously each Rotary club is a service club. Service is what we do. Service is the essence of our very existence. Are there elements of our service work that have a civic benefit? Of course. The good done in the name of Rotary takes place in a community. Virtually all that good benefits either individuals or groups of individuals in the community. Maybe Rotary clubs should just continue doing the good they do and not worry if they are considered a service club or a civic club.

Engage Rotary, Change Lives

Jack McAllister
Rotary Club of Lexington, Kentucky USA
District 6740, Governor 2013-14

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