Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Rotary Leadership Institute - August 24th

Hello Rotarians:

The next Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) will be held at The Four Points Sheraton in Lexington on Saturday, August 24, 2013.  The timeline for the day will be much the same as the previous RLI sessions (8:00 am -- 3:30 pm), and we will look forward to having a great attendance this fall.  Let’s top our previous attendance for an all-time record!  We look forward to seeing you, and feel free to share the below information about RLI.  Please click the below link to confirm your attendance plans. 

Rotary Leadership Institute 

The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) is a series of fast-paced, interactive, one-day courses offered to refine a Rotarian's leadership skills and increase their base of knowledge in Rotary.  Courses are fun, topical, interactive and geared toward busy business and professional Rotarians who want to be more effective leaders in their vocations and their clubs. RLI consists of three one-day parts. First time participants attend Part I. The second time they attend Part II and the third time Part III and graduation.

It is recommended that clubs nominate 2 Rotarians each year to begin RLI and support prior attendees’ continuation of the Parts II and III.

Rotary clubs need a constant influx of new leadership as club officers, board and committee leaders change every year. It is difficult at the club level to learn enough about the exciting world of Rotary with its 1.2 million members in 166 countries. Furthermore, leadership skills in a voluntary organization are often different from business leadership skills. It is important that club leaders have every opportunity for education because the success or failure of our clubs depends in large part on the quality of their leaders. This is an outstanding opportunity for each club to improve the Rotary knowledge of its key people, who will also be exposed to new ideas of leadership. Just the interaction with other Rotarians makes the courses worthwhile.

The next RLI will take place on Saturday, August 24, 2013, in Lexington at the Four Points Sheraton on Stanton Way off Newtown Pike near Exit 115 of I-75 / I-64.  

Yours in Rotary Service,

Judith Warren Marcum

Judy W. Marcum

RLI District 6740 Co-Coordinator

Email: jmarcum2@windstream.net
HPhone: 859.608.9646

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