Tuesday, August 6, 2013

District 6740 Governor's Newsletter, August, 2013 No.1


Rotary Reflections - August, 2013

August is Membership and Extension month in our Rotary world. What should that mean to us as members of Rotary clubs in District 6740? Should we think about proposing a new member for our Rotary club? How would we do that? Well, we could think about folks we know in our community with whom we have some relationship either in our work or personal lives who we believe would make good Rotarians. We might even find out who runs a reputable business in our community or seek out a community leader that we may not know. This may be the most difficult step. Often the first step is the hardest to take. They might not know about what Rotary is and what your Rotary club does. If you take the time to meet them and get to know them and tell them about Rotary you may have a very good new member prospect. And then if you propose them and they are accepted into your club you will have shared Rotary.

Engage Rotary, Change Lives

Jack McAllister
Rotary Club of Lexington, Kentucky USA
District 6740, Governor 2013-14

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