August 5, 2013
The purpose of this correspondence is to
make the formal invitation to District 6740 Rotary Clubs to suggest one of its Rotary club members
for consideration by the District Nominating Committee for Selection
of the Nominee-Designate for the
office District
Governor for Rotary
2016-17. The deadline for submission
of the suggestion by Governor-Nominee Data form (see below) is October 7,
To suggest a member for consideration
the Nominating Committee a club
1. Adopt a Resolution of the Rotary Club which suggests one of
its eligible members to the District Nominating Committee for consideration to be the committee’s
designate nominee.
Clubs may nominate only one of its own club
members. The Resolution
must be made at a regular club meeting and the Club Secretary should witness the adoption of the resolution.
A "suggested” motion by a club
member (other
the Rotarian to be suggested): "Madame
President (or other person presiding), I
rise at this club meeting to make the motion for
aResolution of the Rotary Club of name of club to suggest the District Nominating

2. The Suggested Member must then complete
the "Governor-Nominee Data Form”
including the photo request and spouse/partner information
(Note: The form is
digitally and
be completed via word
processing which is highly recommended. If you are
reading the
invitation via e-mail it
should be attached. If you
reading hardcopy or
if the form is not
attached then please e-mail me at rotary6740jm@twc,com)
3. The Suggested Member must then read and faithfully execute "the Candidate’s Statement”
the top of page 2
of the Governor Nominee Data Form.
4. The Club
Secretary then
faithfully executes
the "Club’s
of Candidate’s Qualifications” middle
of page 4 of the
of the Governor Nominee Data Form. In
doing so the club’s secretary certifies the
following: 1. The
suggested member is a club member
in good standing, 2. That
suggested member has been suggested by resolution of the club, 3. That the suggested member meets
Qualification of Membership
and the membership information is accurate.
club secretary does
not have to
send a copy of a written
resolution with the Governor-Nominee
Data Form - the execution of the
"Club Statement of Candidates
Qualification is sufficient.)
5. Send
the form to DG Jack McAllister via e-mail: (please call me
at (859) 806-8096 to confirm receipt)
or USPS: Jack McAllister, 3485 Lannette Lane, Lexington, KY 40503 (again, please call to confirm
The forgoing steps are a summary of Rotary International Bylaw 13.020.4.
========================================================================Eligibility Requirements for District Governor
To be eligible for the
of District Governor, a Rotarian must:
(1) Be a member
in good standing
of a functioning Rotary Club in
the District;
(2) Have served as President of a Club for a full term, or as President of a charter club from the
date of the charter until June 30th, for a period
of at least six months;
(3) Demonstrate the knowledge of and the ability to fulfill the duties outlined in the RI Bylaws,
Section 15.090 (a summary is found below); and
(4) Have completed
seven years of
membership at the time of taking office.
of the District Governor’s
A summary of Governor’s duties includes strengthening existing Rotary Clubs, organizing new
Clubs and promoting membership growth, issuing a monthly
letter to each Club President and Secretary
in the District, supporting the Rotary Foundation in service as a District and RI
spokesperson, when appropriate, hold the District Conference and other District meetings, and insure the District nominations and elections are conducted according to the RI Constitution and Bylaws. The Governor is also
responsible for visiting all the
clubs in the District.
Before taking office on July
1, 2016, the candidate must be willing to participate in the District’s
activities, plan for his or her year of service, select a site for the District Conference, set District goals, and conduct District training meetings (including
District Training Team Seminar, PETS
the District Assembly). The District Governor Elect must attend Zone GETS training
(fall) and the International Assembly (mid January).
of the District 6740
"No Campaigning”
District 6740 follows RI's "Nomination Committee"
format or plan for selecting its District
Governor. The clubs "suggest" candidates to the Nomination Committee and the suggestion is
accomplished by a completed Governor-Nominee Data Form.
All Governor Nominee Data forms are due to the District Governor Jack McAllister on October 7th 2013. Those persons selected
by the clubs shall be interview by the Nominating Committee on October
12, 2013 in Lexington,
Kentucky and on that date the Nominating Committee will select a single Nominee
The Nominee Designate will then be announced and published on October
15, 2013 by email to all clubs. Those suggested by
a club, but not selected by the committee may
submit their names within 14 days of
publish date as a "Challenge Candidate” If there are no challenge
candidates, the committee’s nominee-designate is presumed to be the district’s selected Nominee for District Governor 2016-17. The
formal nomination by election of the District Governor 2015-16 shall be at the District Conference November
15-17, 2013. The District Governor Nominee is then
formally elected at the 2015 International Convention and then assumes the role and title of
District Governor-Elect
taking office as District Governor on
July 1, 2016.
Please be aware
that Rotary International and the District have guidelines against "lobbying”
"canvassing” and "campaigning” for Rotary Offices. Before taking any action beyond suggesting
a candidate or completing the
Data Form, please review
the guidelines.
If you need additional information, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your time and attention to this invitation. Strong leadership of our District
is vital to our success in serving others.
Yours in Rotary Service,
Jack McAllister
District GovernorEmail:
HPhone: 859-224-1070
CPhone: 859-806-8096
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