Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Polio Update

Weekly Update
World Health Organization
Week Ending 17 JULY 2013
New wild polio cases reported in the past week for 2013: 24
Total number of wild cases in 2012:  223
Total number of wild cases in 2013: 132 (includes 59 in non-endemic countries)
General Polio Headlines – Week Ending 17 July 2013
“The outbreak in the Horn of Africa is expanding, with 21 newly-reported cases (one from Kenya, 20 from Somalia).  In Somalia, two immunization campaigns have been conducted since the most recent case occurred. . . Update on WPV in environmental samples in Israel:  WPV1 has now been isolated in 30 sewage samples from 10 sampling sites in Israel.”
Endemic Country Headlines—Week Ending 17 July 2013
No new cases The total number of WPV cases for 2013 is 3.  All three WPV cases this year were reported from Eastern Region . . .”
No new cases.  The total for 2013 is 35. “  The most recent WPV case had onset of paralysis on 18 June (WPV1 from Bauchi).”
Three new cases. Total cases for 2013 is 21.  “The most recent WPV case . . . had onset of paralysis on 30 June.”

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