Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Flag Ceremony and Installation of Officers of RC Lexington

Rotary Club of Lexington presidents in succession at their officer installation on July 11 were from left: Kevin Weaver, Past President 2012-13; Jim Martin, President 2013-14; and Dean Hammond, President Elect 2013-14
In the inaugural meeting of the new Rotary year, the July 11 meeting of RC Lexington began with a Rotary Flag Ceremony at which the American flag followed by the State of Kentucky flag, the Rotary flag, the 2013-14 Rotary Theme banner Engage Rotary, Change Lives and the District 6740 banner were presented. The meeting continued with the installation of the officers and Board of RC Lexington. This was followed by the installation of the Officers and Board of the RC Lexington Endowment.

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