Monday, October 22, 2012

Virginia Dial Speaks About Identity Theft

September 17, 2012

Monica Flynn and Virginia Dial
Monica Flynn and Virginia Dial
Virginia Dial, Branch Manager of L & N Federal Credit Union in Somerset, visited the Rotary Club of Somerset on September 10 and spoke on the topic of Identity Theft. She provided various materials and discussed steps we can take to protect our identity. One suggestion was to buy a shredder to destroy documents that do not need to be filed yet contain personal identification (e.g. credit card applications received in the mail). She explained that some criminals search dumpsters and trash cans looking for personal information they can steal and use for illegal gain. She also advised against carrying one’s Social Security card in one’s wallet and suggested that it be kept with other important documents in a safe deposit box. Another tip is for citizens to monitor their personal credit reports for suspicious activity and report any discrepancies immediately to the proper authorities.
We appreciate Rotarian Susan Wilson for inviting Virginia to visit with us and speak to our club.

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