Monday, October 22, 2012

RI President Tanaka's letter about Polio

President, 2012-13
TEL 1.847.866.3235
FAX 1.847.866.3390

One Rotary Center
1560 Sherman Avenue
Evanston, Illinois
60201-3698 USA
TEL 847.866.3235FAX
September 2012

Dear District Governors,

In May 2012, the World Health Assembly declared polio eradication a global health emergency. Thanks to the generous contributions of Rotarians, the number of polio cases is declining, but the current funding shortfall of US$945 million and uneven political commitment puts the program at risk. Rotarians made a promise to the world’s children that no child ever again would suffer the crippling effects of polio and we must increase our efforts in collaboration with our partners WHO, UNICEF, US CDC and the Gates Foundation to realize our dream.

I am asking each district governor to encourage clubs to do the following:

Advocate for political and financial support of polio eradication efforts with governments.
Communicate to Rotarians and the public the status of polio eradication and Rotary’s role in the effort.
Fundraise for PolioPlus by engaging Rotarians and the corporate sector.

Call upon your End Polio Now Zone Coordinator for more information or e-mail

Encourage Rotarians to visit the interactive website where they can sign a petition encouraging world leaders who will attend the UN General Assembly to support global polio eradication and learn more about the global effort to eradicate polio. These signatures will be presented to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon as a show of solidarity and support at a special polio event during the UN General Assembly.

Thank you,
Sakuji Tanaka
President, Rotary International

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