Monday, October 22, 2012

Rotary Youth Exchange - opportunities with Brazil

Dear President Elects and interested Rotarians,

Your year in office as President can have added excitement if one of the members of your club takes advantage of BRAZIL EXCHANGE FOR HIGH SCHOOL AGE YOUTH in the Summer of 2013 and the Winter of 2014. Because of contacts I have been able to make with Brazil, I am able to send ten high school age youth to Brazil for six weeks this coming summer. They will stay with a screened Brazilian family for the six weeks and have opportunities to tour Brazil and take advantage of many cultural and language opportunities. Then, in the Winter of 2014, a youth member of the Brazilian family will come to spend six weeks in the home of the American family.

Sounds great!! It is. There is a $550 fee that covers insurance and at this time our best estimate of air travel is about $3000.00. Think about it. Six weeks in Rio. Wouldn't you be excited to go there? And, knowing that your son and daughter will be staying with a Rotarian family that has been screened and that a Rotary Club will be taking care of them--wouldn't you be excited to give that opportunity.

I am holding ten reservations for Rotary applications until December 1. Act now. Call me to get directions for the Rotary Application process.

Yours in Rotary Service,

Jack T Lundy

HPhone: 859.586.4801
Don't hesitate to call.

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