Monday, October 22, 2012

District Governor's Letter to the District

Dear Fellow Rotarians:

With the changing of the leaves, October also brings Vocational Service Month.  This is an opportunity to spotlight Rotarians and Rotary projects that serve others through their vocation. 

How are you using your professional skills to serve others?  Perhaps you have mentored a young person to help them succeed in your vocation or taught other club members about your own vocation through a program for a club meeting or participated in a club net-working event to introduce non-Rotarians to Rotary.  These are just a few examples of how we can pursue the Avenue of Vocational Service. 

The opportunity to use our professional skills and expertise to serve our communities and our clubs combined with our emphasis on high ethical standards is a hallmark of Rotary.

Peace through Service,

Kathryn Hardman

District Governor

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