Monday, October 22, 2012

RC Cynthiana to hold informational meeting on their Haiti project

We plan to have a informational meeting on October 25, 2012 at 1:30 pm and it is expected the meeting will last a couple of hours. The meeting will probably be held in Cynthiana but the exact location has not been set.

Please rsvp attendance via return email to me – please respond with a yes or no so we can better plan the meeting.

Our club hopes to take the project to the next level and actively solicits your help and support toward this goal. Discussion items will include: on the ground report from Avi (visiting Haiti early October), formation of an OTA committee, discuss RI presentation, possibility of RI grants or other sources of funding.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Doug Price

Cynthiana Rotary

 Avi Bear of the Cynthiana club explains the Orange Tree Atelye housing project to District Governor Kathryn Hardman following her official visit to the Rotary Club of Cynthiana on September 27.

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