Thursday, September 6, 2012

RC Richmond shares results of Visioning and Planning

Just a few notes about the Richmond Rotary Club. The 2012-2013 year has started out with the club engaging in a Visioning Exercise lead by Dean Hammond of Lex Rotary and DG Kathryn Hardman. 16 members attended and spent hours discussing the Rotary Club they envision belonging to in the future year of 2015. What does our Club look like in 2015? How is its health? What is its makeup? What have we accomplished? Have we had Student Exchanges, Rotaract Clubs, International Projects, enriching club programs, good fundraisers? Have we made a difference in the lives of our members and our community? From this we developed a vision. Here is the vision of our Club:
“The Richmond Rotary Club is the premier service club of Richmond, where a diverse group of effective leaders enjoy fun activities that support the local community and make a positive impact in people's lives.

By July 2015 we will accomplish the following goals:

  • Grow to 85 members
  • Put 15 members through RLI Leadership Training
  • Provide interesting programs every week
  • Mentor youth and young adults, especially by providing business internships and job shadowing opportunities
  • Help community groups pass "complete streets" legislation to improve the town with sidewalks, bike lanes, and landscaping
  • Start an EKU-based Rotaract club
  • Forge a relationship with and international club for an Eastern Kentucky service project
  • Hold two major fundraisers a year, the Diamonds & Denim Dance and a community talent show, to bring in funds of $210,000
  • Increase the number of Paul Harris Fellows in the club to 80% and provide 100 points to each member from donated recognition
  • Engage in effective marketing through social media and a website that recruits community service volunteers as well as providing information about the club

As we work toward these goals, we will continue to uphold high ethical standards in our professions, live out the Rotary motto "Service Above Self", and support the eradication of polio and access to clean water worldwide.

 We are now organizing to reach these goals. We hope all Rotarians thoughts and prayers are with us on this Journey!

 Whitney Dunlap III, Pres. 2012-2013

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