Thursday, September 6, 2012

RC Cynthiana Runs PSAs re: Polio Eradication

Cynthiana Rotary Public Service Announcements:
One of our Cynthiana Rotarians had a great idea about obtaining PSAs about RI and the eradication of polio.  Easy enough to do – just go to the RI website and download 30 second PSAs.  Well, after checking the RI website – maybe not so easy!  Three (3) separate PSAs (see below) were developed and these are now running on our local radio station (WCYN 1400 AM).  In a month or so we may change the PSAs if there are any substantial updates.  Several of our Rotarians volunteered to record the PSAs.

WCYN will be happy to record and play 30 second PSAs.   Take this form to them any day (M-F) after 9:15 am (or after Rotary meeting) and record 1 or more of the below messages.

1) Hi this is __________________from the Cynthiana Rotary club.  For many years Rotary International has waged the battle against polio. Polio cases have declined rapidly since 1985, but the fight isn't over. Polio is a crippling and potentially fatal infectious disease but we can immunize every child for approximately $.66 each.  Find out how you can help finish the job.   Go to for information.

2) From 360,000 cases worldwide in 1988 to under 1,400 cases in 2010. Hi this is _________________from the Cynthiana Rotary club.  For many years Rotary International has waged the battle against polio.  There are 196 countries in our world.  Only 3 countries remain polio endemic.  Find out how you can help us finish the job.  Go to for information.

 3) Hi this is ___________________from the Cynthiana Rotary club.  After 25 years of hard work, Rotary and its partners are on the brink of eradicating polio. Reaching the ultimate goal of a polio-free world presents monetary challenges.  Rotary alone can't fill this gap. As long as polio threatens even one child anywhere in the world, children everywhere remain at risk. The stakes are that high. Find out how you can help.  Go to for information.

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