Thursday, July 26, 2012

Rotary Youth Exchange

Outbound youth exchange participants recently attended a Rotary Youth Exchange orientation weekend at Otterbein College in Westerville, Ohio. Training and team building exercises are conducted by the Rotarians involved in the Ohio Erie Youth Exchange program. Jack Lundy is the Youth Exchange Chair for the District and PDG Bill Perrine is the chair of the outgoing youth exchange students in the district. In addition to Jack and Bill, DG Kathryn Hardman, as well as DGE Jack McAllister and DGN John Salyers particpated in the orientation weekend and enjoyed getting to know the students. We wish all of the outbound students safe travels and a wonderful year as they begin this extraordinary experience!

From left to right top row, DGN John Salyers, DGE Jack McAllister, and
DG Kathryn Hardman. The students on the top row are Eva Cortes (from
Lexington, going to France, sponsor Lexington Rotary) and Adam Trostle
(from Union, going to Germany, sponsor Florence Rotary).

           From left to right bottom row, Deanna Tirabassi (from Nicholasville,

going to Japan, sponsor Nicholasville Rotary), Tatiana Kisor (from Petersburg,
going to Spain, sponsor Florence Rotary), and Will Johnson
(from Georgetown, going to Japan, sponsor Georgetown Rotary).

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