The Pikeville Rotary Club was pleased to welcome District Governor John Adams (Somerset-Pulaski Rotary Club) to its Board meeting and to the regular weekly meeting on Dec. 9. John has been a Rotarian since 1999. He has headed up multiple committees for that club, serving as its president in 2006-07. On the district level, John has been an aide to PDG Tom Ashford, a two term assistant governor, the grants sub-chair and, in 2008, he was awarded the District Governor’s Citation for Service. John has attended five international conventions, is a multilevel Paul Harris Fellow and is a member of the Paul Harris Society.
John’s message to members included congratulating the club on its growth in new members, its continued support of the PolioPlus drive, and the effective leadership of its officers and board. He urged the club to continue its efforts in the area of public relations, noting that most communities are not fully aware of the important work done by their local Rotary clubs. He also stressed the importance of each member’s participation in The Rotary Foundation, reminding us that the Presidential Award is contingent upon 100% support of TRF by the club’s membership.
The DG is married to Rotarian and Paul Harris Fellow Christie Champlin Adams and they are the proud parents of Charlie, who is almost two. John is a partner in the Adams and Venters law firm in Somerset. He is also a member and session elder of the First Presbyterian Church of Somerset.
At the conclusion of the program, President Jeanne Clark, on behalf of the club, presented John with an inscribed desk clock for his continued leadership as district governor.
Jeanne Clark
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