Monday, October 31, 2011

Meet a Rotarian - Mary Jo McCord, RC Carlisle

When did you join Rotary? I joined after I retired, 2007.
Why did you join Rotary? Rotary is well thought of in our small town. My daughter-in-law and her mother were active members, so I knew about the good deeds of Rotary.
What is your favorite Rotary memory? It was a thrill to receive the Paul Harris Award. Editor's note - Congratulations!!!
What is your favorite Rotary activity? Carlisle Rotary co sponsors Saturday in Carlisle and I enjoy taking care of Bingo. As a matter of fact Saturday in Carlisle was started by the Rotary.
Our club is small in numbers, but big in heart. It is a pleasure to work with our members. A fine group of people.

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