Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Get to Know RC Stanford

Introducing a new feature to the newsletter - Meet A Rotary Club! Each month we will pick a club at random. This month - thank you to RC Stanford for having this information in their club bulletin and on DacDB!

Please visit the club's facebook page using this link:

On January 26, 1928, the Stanford Rotary Club was formed by the Harrodsburg Club. The first President of the Stanford Club was Kendrick Alcorn, a prominent Kentucky Circuit Court Judge. In the 1940s, Foster Phillips was the first Stanford Rotarian to achieve Paul Harris fellow designation and also the only member from the local club to serve as District Governor.

The Stanford Rotary Club has continued to maintain a membership of approximately 30 members since its inception in 1928. The club has also maintained a very active community presence throughout its 80 year history. This active presence includes the 1938 purchase of the William Whitley House - The club bought the house and property from the heirs and gave it to the Commonwealth of Kentucky for posterity. Then in 1950, the club raised funds to assist the State’s efforts to refurbish the house.

The club has and continues to sponsor many local projects, including scholarships for Lincoln County students, the Boy Scouts of America Troop 148, Winterfest Christmas Toy Drive, World Affairs Institute and Simulated United Nations Conference for local high school students, summer 4-H Camp scholarships, Adopt-a-Highway clean-up project, local high school speech contests (winner receiving scholarship funds), Heritage Hospice Care Bear Project, and many others. These projects now amount to well over $100,000 in donations, which doesn’t include the time invested by many individual club members.
These projects and the dedication of the local club members to the Rotary motto Service Above Self make the Stanford Rotary Club what it is – a place to impact others in a positive way.

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