Friday, June 29, 2012

Governor' Message - An Open Letter to DG Kathryn Hardman (and comments from the newsletter editor)

Dear Rotarians,

As newsletter editor I am using my "power" and taking over some of the space used for the Governor's message. John's final message is below. I am stunned as I work on this newsletter, knowing it is the last newsletter for this Rotary year. The time has gone by so fast and  I want to take this opportunity to thank the Club Presidents and PR Chairs for submitting such wonderful information this year. I hope that the newsletter has been something positive for you as we tried to showcase all of the clubs' accomplishments and goals for this year. I was amazed every month at all that is done - I knew, but what a great reminder all of the emails were for me. Congratulations Club Presidents and Rotarians on a year well done!

Thank you again for all of your efforts this year. Speaking for me (and I know John too) it has been the experience of a lifetime to work so closely with you and your clubs. I will never forget the kindness shown to me, and to Charlie, as we attended as many of the visits and events as we could. I know it isn't the norm to come in with a stroller, toys, books, and a diaper bag, but Charlie was so warmly welcomed at each and every event - you will never know how much it was appreciated and how much it has helped shape him into a child that loves people, new experiences, and his Rotary friends. John and I treasure the friendships that we have made during this journey and we know there are more wonderful experiences to come!

Congratulations, again to all of the Club Presidents! And, welcome and congratulations to the President Elects! I look forward to working with you during the upcoming Rotary year because DG Kathryn has asked me to continue as newsletter editor. If it is anything like this last one, it will be fantastic! My best wishes to DG Kathryn and John as they begin an experience they will remember forever!



Now .. on to the Governor's Message!

Remarks made by DG John Adams at the Installation Ceremony of DG Kathryn Hardman

July 28, 2012 in London, Kentucky …
As they say here in southeastern Kentucky, stick a fork in John Adams… he is done!  Some say I was done a long time ago, I just never finished.  Because of the Rotary Calendar this year, a conference in mid- April and the RI convention in early May, I feel like I have had a lot of time to stew on the stove over the last six weeks.

Let me get right to the point, Kathryn as Governor you serve the Clubs and the Rotarians. It is a wonderful experience.

The only practical advice I can give you is this:

1.       Your hotel key card from Wednesday night’s stay at the Courtyard in Mt. Sterling, Kentucky will not work Thursday afternoon at the Fairfield Inn in Ashland, Kentucky.

2.       If you stay in Hazard, Kentucky, stay at the Mountain Inn. You get 10% off your food if you take your hotel card key to El Azure Restaurant which is across the parking lot.   I highly recommend the Hawaiian Quesadilla.

3.       This piece of advice is from actually from Christie [wife of 2011-12 Governor John] for John Strojan [Husband of 2012-13 Governor Kathryn], when hotel card keys fall out of Kathryn’s pockets on to the counter at the drycleaners, don’t try to explain to the person working the counter if he or she is uncomfortable with the situation – they don’t know what a Rotary Governor is or why they have so many hotel card keys in their pockets. You know what you should to do is act shocked and surprise and storm out of the place feigning suspicion of an affair. Make sure to tell everyone if you do and we will all watch the London Topix forum to see if you really pulled the act off well.

Speaking of hotel card keys, let me bestow upon you about 30 keys to the finest hotel rooms in Eastern Kentucky.  We had a lot of extra hotel stays because the need for afternoon naps after noon Rotary Club meetings; not Charlie’s, our two year old’s, need for a nap but because of my own need of a nap.
Back to my point, Kathryn as Governor you serve the Clubs and the Rotarians, it is very rewarding.

I hope in return I left the District better than I found it. I know can say this; I did replace the old plain chrome rod on the “Home Club of the District Governor” banner after April’s District Conference. Nothing projects the power and prestige of the office of District Governor like the new faux bronze acorn finials now adorning the banner!  Rotary Club of London members, you will find out the practical purpose of the home club banner in mid- September when you begin look up at the banner and say to yourself, “Oh yes, I remember Kathryn, I wonder how she is doing?” 
London and Corbin area Rotarians, I promise you will hear from Kathryn when it comes time to plan and prepare for the District Conference.  All kidding aside, do plan on being part of District Conference next April. It is good for your club, it is good for London/Corbin, it is a lot of fun, and Kathryn and John will greatly appreciate it.  You suggested her for District Governor; it’s the least you can do after doing that to her – er, I mean after bestowing that honor upon her.

Let me make the point, Kathryn as Governor you serve the Clubs and the Rotarians.
It is very educating to see the many different ways our Clubs serve their member Rotarians, their communities, and the world. It is amazing how many ways you can “do” a Rotary Club meeting. It takes some getting used to always being in the front of the room at meetings that are all different. Some clubs sing, and some clubs do not sing.  Some clubs are formal, some are casual. Some club meetings are high in pomp and circumstance, and some are like a large board meeting with little ceremony.  There are four ways to recite the four way test. Anticipating what to do next at a Rotary Club as a visiting Governor is an acquired skill.   

Some days you will give your governor’s speech and believe from the reaction you are the greatest public speaker since Ronald Reagan, and some days you will wonder if the audience heard you and agreed with anything.  Speaking of Reagan, a US President we all know is near and dear to Kathryn’s heart [sarcasm], I must apologize publically for what I did to Kathryn back in January.  When she was at Governor‘s training in San Diego California and then Rotary International President Elect Sakuji Tanaka had just announced the theme of “Peace through Service” for Rotary Year 2012-13, I texted Kathryn the word, “Peace”. Kathryn texted me back “I guess you got the word, Peace through Service”. To which I replied, “Reminds me of Reagan’s ‘Peace through Strength’” Then I texted the “tongue and cheek” emoticon.  Kathryn’s reply “Oh Please …”. I apologize now because we have both confused the new Rotary theme and the old political slogan every since.    
 As I was saying, Kathryn as Governor you serve the Clubs and the Rotarians, in doing so you will be impressed by the Rotarians you work with.

All Rotary District Governors have predecessors who will give then advice, whether it is asked for or not. Lucky Governors have a successor whom they can they can turn to for support. Because of your good advice and support, Kathryn, I was one of the few lucky ones. DGE 2013-14 Jack McAllister and DGN 2014-15 John Salyers, you have some large “flats” to fill as successor Governors.  Given the circumstances, I will not be able to reciprocate the support Kathryn gave me as my successor; I hope you will. Not only is it important to the sitting Governor, it is good for the District’s clubs.  As Kathryn has shown, there is no better way to prepare for your own year as Governor, then to help-out the year(s) before “your” July 1 comes.          
Finally and in summary, Kathryn as Governor you serve the Clubs and the Rotarians.  

May you and John get as much out of being Governor as Christie, Charlie and I have. 

Yours in Rotary Service,
John Adams

DG Kathryn Hardman and John Strojan - all District
Rotarians wish you a successful and rewarding DG year!

DG 2014-2015 John Salyers, DG 2013-2014 Jack McAllister,
DG Kathryn Hardman and soon to be PDG John Adams.
A great leadership team for the future of District 6740!

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