Thursday, February 2, 2012

RC Pikeville recognizes Paul Harris Society member

On January 25, long-time Rotarian Dr. Mary Wiss was recognized by the Pikeville Rotary Club for her continued support of the Paul Harris Society. “Sis” as she is fondly called by her friends and Rotarians was presented with a gold Paul Harris Society pin with 3 sapphires by Past District Governor Carrie Cinnamond Rose.

The Paul Harris Society is named after the founder of Rotary International. The society recognizes friends of The Rotary Foundation who annually contribute US$1,000 or more to the Annual Programs Fund, PolioPlus, and other approved Foundation grant activities. Those Rotarians who give at the level of $4 - 5,000 are acknowledged with a special pin with inset sapphires.

Generous gifts like those of Dr. Wiss advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. Contributions support activities such as:

• Vocational and on-the-job training for land mine victims in Cambodia

• Hand-washing stations, training for teachers, and in-depth hygiene training for students at a school in Ecuador

• A scholarship for a Japanese student to study effective adult learning methods abroad

• Milking cows for farmers in Russia

• Microcredit loans to women in Togo

• Reading and mathematics textbooks for students in the United States of America

The Pikeville Rotary Club is proud to acknowledge Sis Wiss, a dedicated Rotarian since 1988, for her continued support of the Paul Harris Society and all the humanitarian work it represents.

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